Libertarian Opinion

Rioting: NOT a Form of Protest or Activism

The thesis of this image is that doing the peaceful thing didn’t garner them the attention they wanted, so doing the violent thing is worth a try, and, lo!, it worked. It got them the attention they wanted/deserved. Mission accomplished! What a disgusting moral bankruptcy. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because someone hurts […]

Mutual Aid Opinion

What if there aren’t Enough Mutual Aid Champions?

What if at the time being people are too damn busy cuz they have to pay rent mortgage bills food and the community is too busy working to expend the energies needed to be a champion. What if some people could make it their job to support those who do not have enough social capital […]

Libertarian Opinion

7 Signs You Might be a Fundamentalist Libertarian

The fundamentalist starts with moral condemnations. In a debate with a fundamentalist they quickly resort to denouncing opponents as immoral or evil. Since the fundamentalist assumes what they believe the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, then anything someone else believes isn’t. Not only are their beliefs automatically wrong but also the […]

Mutual Aid Opinion

A Real Live Mutual Aid Society: The Seattle Solidarity Network

The Seattle Solidarity Network is a real, modern mutual aid society and it has story after story of successful actions on its blog. They apparently don’t have any dues, don’t require a large budget, do receive from funds from the IWW and operate by direct democracy. So, it’s not an example of my resilient mutual […]

Libertarian Opinion

Are you Talking to Statists, or just Waiting to Shoot them in the Head?

Replace “statists” with “zombie hoards” and you’ll see the problem. No one ever tries to cure the zombies, they just try to shoot them in the head. – Marc Seltzer In response to Statists are not the Enemy, Marc Seltzer just nailed it with the above quote. Are you talking to statists, trying to find […]

Libertarian Opinion

If I Defriend You on Facebook

If I defriend you on facebook, it doesn’t mean that: I am fucking you over. My facebook account, my decision who I associate with there. Unless we have some kind of contract, you can’t claim I am harming you. I am “blackballing” you from my rapidly shrinking list of activism projects. For example, I have […]

Libertarian Opinion

Why We Must Police our Own

”ŽI know first hand some people who were friended by [redacted] and were then attacked for saying the wrong thing. Now I’m not talking about George’s run in or my own. I’m talking about non-activists, lets say those who are at the starting point of walking down the road to where we are. In two […]


Why I Care about my Reputation

I care about my reputation, first and foremost, because I am an entrepreneur. I don’t want my projects to be hampered by incorrect information about me. I’m not perfect. Don’t claim to be. A reputation is what others think of me. It resides in your minds. So I don’t control it. I don’t own it. […]

Get Active Opinion

Joe Arpaio Evades my Question about his 145F Concentration Camp

Listen to me ask Joe Arpaio if keeping people in 145F conditions is consistent with the teachings of Jesus. Thanks to my friend Drew, I found out that Joe Arpaio, head thug at a concentration camp operation in Maricopa county, Arizona, would be on WIFI 1460AM in New Jersey today. I called in and asked […]

Get Active Opinion

Activism Photographers: Become Legal Observers

If you are a photographer (and/or videographer) who covers activism (like I did for jury independence outreach in the spring of 2010), consider becoming a legal observer. The thought never occurred to me (an anonymous friend just suggested it to me) but could have saved me from the vindictiveness of the marshals. The idea is […]