
Bob Barr is Wrong on Social Security

Libertarian candidate for President Bob Barr released a position paper on Social Security the other day that, frankly, is very disappointing. His proposal is a half-measure that fails to allow most people to opt out and suffers from a terrible case of doublethink. We need to end Social Security – in our lifetime – without leaving either senior citizens or working taxpayers in the lurch.


Bob Barr for President. A Real Choice.

The fact is that McCain can’t get his story straight and won’t undo the harm of the Bush years. The fact is that Obama is just another politician who is already selling out his idealistic supporters. Bob Barr isn’t perfect, but he’s the best chance liberty- and peace-lovers have of ending the Iraq war, rolling […]


Bob Barr on the FISA Bill: It’s All about Power

“People simply do not realize the extent to which government is surveilling them.” This is the police-surveillance state you’ve been waiting for!


Bob Barr Knows How to Sell Liberty

Bob Barr knows how to sell liberty. In this video he succinctly explains how the economy is managed by unelected officials at the Federal Reserve, that the government should not be the manager of the economy and that these developments rob the individual of their freedom. At it’s root, almost every problem we have can […]