
Statists are not the Enemy

Ad hominem is the logical fallacy of attacking the person instead of rationally criticizing what the person says or does. For example, if you say “Firearm ownership is a right.” and I say “Gun owners are nuts who want to shoot everybody!” then I am committing an ad hominem. I am attacking gun owners as […]

Libertarian Opinion

Why We Must Police our Own

”ŽI know first hand some people who were friended by [redacted] and were then attacked for saying the wrong thing. Now I’m not talking about George’s run in or my own. I’m talking about non-activists, lets say those who are at the starting point of walking down the road to where we are. In two […]

Libertarian Mutual Aid

How to Bootstrap a Resilient Mutual Aid Society

Like the Liberty Dollar, the more our mutual aid societies succeed, the greater the pressure will be on the state to destroy them. We need a MAS model that is resilient before we start accepting people’s precious funds.

Libertarian Opinion

The School to Prison Pipeline

The criminalization of childhood. It’s scary. I’m a dad. So it’s downright frightening for me. And it’s why I’ll go to most any length to keep my son out of school. If you aren’t aware of the danger, research it. If you know about it, get your kids out of school. Homeschool them. Unschool them. […]

Libertarian Opinion

Is “No Victim, No Crime” True?

You’re trying to say ‘nobody got hurt’ so you shouldn’t be held accountable for whatever the infraction is. By that logic, You probably feel the punks in Worcester shooting the gun at the park should be left alone because nobody got hurt. People who drink and drive as long as they don’t hurt anyone should […]

Libertarian Opinion

Healthy Food is not More Expensive, Junk Food is Subsidized

In this chapter of that larger tragicomedy, lawmakers whose campaigns are underwritten by agribusinesses have used billions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize those agribusinesses’ specific commodities (corn, soybeans, wheat, etc.) that are the key ingredients of unhealthy food. Not surprisingly, the subsidies have manufactured a price inequality that helps junk food undersell nutritious-but-unsubsidized foodstuffs like […]

Libertarian Opinion

The Free State Project is NOT “Open Source”

The FSP (Free State Project) is an open source solution for how to achieve more liberty. – Carla Gericke New Free State Project (FSP) “president” Carla Gericke posted on Facebook today that the FSP is an open source project, or something. That is simply false. An open source project can admittedly take many forms but […]

Libertarian Opinion

Instead of Making More Rights, Let’s Revoke Corporate Special Privileges

The ability to access broadband internet is a right, and should be defined as an essential utility. Just as you’re surprised when you flick a light switch and the light doesn’t come on so are you surprised when the internet goes away in your house. The internet is used for communication, entertainment, business – an […]

Libertarian Opinion

Don’t Confuse Fascism and Socialism

Though I am concerned that these customers appear to be treated so poorly by the company that they voluntarily pay to take care of them. Oh wait! LOL socialism. (in reply to a video called Scumbag Police:Bodyslams 84 yrs old lady with Alzheimer’s) – Manuel Lora Manuel was attempting some sarcasm here, since in market […]

Libertarian Opinion

That’s No Bloodsucking Tick, That’s My Brother

All I could think was, “OMG.” What a great artist this guy is! Via Andrew W.