
Major Network “Military Analysts” are just Administration Disinformation Agents

The New York Times exposes an especially ugly den of liars, reporting that retired military leaders serving as “military analysts” on major TV news outlets are agents of the administration, parroting talking points handed out by the Pentagon since at least 2002 in an effort to both pitch the war and rebut critical coverage. These […]


FBI Demands Access to Any Information it Wants, without Probable Cause or a Judge

This Wired article details how the FBI used a grand jury to subpoena some medical records legally – then returned the records and inappropriately used a national security letter (NSL) in an attempt to get the very same records. Once the university rejected the NSL, as it should have, the FBI went to Congress citing […]


Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Ruwart: Taxation with Representation Is Still Tyranny

LP presidential candidate Dr. Mary Ruwart presents an insightful argument against taxation. Well worth the 5-minute read. You can find here campaign at One day, the “necessary evil” of taxation will be recognized for what libertarians know it to be: legalized theft, a hindrance to civilization, prosperity, harmony, and happiness. With taxation, we take […]


Cultivating Burning Desire by Steve Pavlina

Steve Pavlina instructs us on how to be “driven”. This is a must-read for anyone who aims to lead a productive, goal-oriented life. When asked during an interview how he managed to reach the top as a professional bodybuilder and Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger replied with a single word, “Drive!” All great success ultimately begins […]

Green Politics

Guatemalan Rain Forest Latest Casualty of War on Drugs and “Public” Property

The Daily Green reports on fires in Guatemala’s Mayan Biosphere Reserve set by “narcoranchers” in order to open arable land for coca crops. While writer Dan Shapley would like to blame this problem on American drug habits he overlooks a couple of salient facts. This practice would not be necessary if coca and cocaine were […]


Sir Harold Ridley and His Fight for Sight

A modern-day story that parallels the fictional development of Rearden Metal. First, they ridiculed Sir Harold Ridley, an ocular pathologist, for his revolutionary invention, an intraocular plastic lens to replace cataracts. Then they petitioned the FDA to outlaw his invention. Finally they accepted it. Imagine this plot for a novel: A brilliant eye surgeon performs […]


Lobbyist: “Are we going to let the American people decide our defense policy, our trade policy, our immigration policy?”

The Sunlight Foundation wants the public to review, criticize and edit proposed congressional bills at Public Markup. But, but … the lobbyists just don’t like this idea! “I don’t think the way you advocate is to put everything online and say, ‘All right American people, weigh in on that,’ because then what’s next?” Miller [past […]


“I propose we stop saying ‘taxes’ and start calling them ‘dues.'”

Richard Conniff of the New York Times would like us to stop using the word ‘taxes’ and replace it with dues. ‘Taxes’, you see, has “become the ugliest word in the English language, right up there with its evil twin, ‘death.’” (Gee I wonder why that comparison is so apt.) … the word “dues” also […]


Where is Ragnar Danneskjöld When you Need Him?

Venezuela sends 364 tons of food to Haiti. President Hugo Chavez said the shipment is to help relieve the crisis in Haiti that has plagued the country for the last nine days. Since last week, Haiti has been the scene of disturbance due to a sharp hike in food prices. The situation has also led […]


Dave Barry: Taxes buy Vital Service of not being put in Prison.

Dave Barry sounds off on taxes. Hilarious. You’ll enjoy this. But it’s also time to file your federal tax return. Yes, this is a pesky chore, but remember that paying taxes is not a ”one-way street.” When you send your money to the government, the government, in return, provides you with vital services, such as […]