In our eighth episode, John and I talk about how to improve children’s self-esteem, the fact that rules and regulations are the same thing, how regulation might work in a stateless society and why it frankly scares John!

In our eighth episode, John and I talk about how to improve children’s self-esteem, the fact that rules and regulations are the same thing, how regulation might work in a stateless society and why it frankly scares John!
This week’s episode is about trusting our kids. As a parent, this can be hard. I personally was treated very poorly as a child and led to believe that this is how kids should be treated. I was taught that kids are incapable of rational thought, shouldn’t be taken seriously and were not deserving of liberty or self-determination.
This was not “the law’ that shut down Skylar Roberts and company. These are thugs. Every human being is free to engage in economic activity as she or he sees fit. When other people force your decisions upon you, that is exploitation and slavery. The bottom line here is that two or three big people […]
A dad who told his kids about the latest federal government expenditure of their future production got an unexpected response: his poor son – astonished by the news – broke into tears. Son: “Our money belongs to us. … Is it a joke?” Dad: “It’s not a joke.” Son: “Isn’t it? We don’t have any […]