
Crime and Punishment in a Stateless Society (TAOL 0019)

Under what conditions in our oft-promoted libertarian stateless society, will a person’s freedom be taken away? How will people be punished for committing crimes – real crimes, not victimless crimes – against people or property? Will there be pre-trial confinement and bail? House arrest? Will there be prisons? Just how different from the current state injustice system will the stateless libertarian dispute resolution system be? Listen to this week’s episode to find out!


TAOL 0008 – Why John is Scared of a Libertarian Society

In our eighth episode, John and I talk about how to improve children’s self-esteem, the fact that rules and regulations are the same thing, how regulation might work in a stateless society and why it frankly scares John!


BREAKING: Stateless Society Announced This Morning! The War is Over! Liberty is Here.

As of 12:01AM January 1, 2010 (today) we are officially living in a state of liberty – the stateless society. We’ve achieved our goal! Yippee! Break out the champagne. Celebrate. You can finally live your life freely and without worrying about what materials or activities the reigning gang has penalized, taxed or prohibited. Live free! […]