Tomorrow from 12-1pm PST (3-4PM EST) on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock (radio show), we’re talking about Agora I/O, the phenomenal interest we have attracted, the great speakers we have lined up and the future! Please tune in via the Liberty Radio Network.
Agora I/O is a new un-conference where you’ll find the greatest people, ideas and tools for advancing liberty. Agora I/O happens online, so anyone can participate. Plus it’s free! Our first conference, “Étienne,” runs from March 25th to 27th, 2011. More information is available at
By the way, Agora I/O is going great! We’ve got a whopping 75 talks lined up with some amazing speakers. It is really going to be something special. Pls RSVP if you’re on Facebook. It’s free and the information, insights and conversation you get in return are an unparalleled value!