
Are Libertarians Too Selfish? (TAOL 0012)

In episode 12 of The Art of Liberty Podcast, John and I talk about whether or not libertarians use an excessive amount of self-centered language and talking points to sell the ideas of libertarianism. John is responding to a video I made a couple weeks agoarguing that instead of telling people that taxation is wrong because it’s MY money, we should instead take the tack that we are better stewards of our resources than the government is. An exciting conversation that gets tense at times. Give it a listen.


Stop Talking about “Me, Me, Me!” – Liberty Talking Points 0003

Yes, it’s your money. Liberals know this. But they don’t care. You can prove that as many ways as you like but in order to convince them of the worth of libertarianism we have to show them the many good things we would do with our money if the government wasn’t stealing it from us. Talk about what you’d like to do for the world that the government is not letting you.