
Libertarian Dispute Resolution – Theory and Practice (TAOL 0015)

In episode 15, John and George talk about libertarian dispute resolution, both the theory and how we can practice it in the here and now. We mention Rothbard, Murphy and some ideas about how to resolve disputes in the here and now. I’m certain you’ll enjoy our exchange!


Are Libertarians Too Selfish? (TAOL 0012)

In episode 12 of The Art of Liberty Podcast, John and I talk about whether or not libertarians use an excessive amount of self-centered language and talking points to sell the ideas of libertarianism. John is responding to a video I made a couple weeks agoarguing that instead of telling people that taxation is wrong because it’s MY money, we should instead take the tack that we are better stewards of our resources than the government is. An exciting conversation that gets tense at times. Give it a listen.


TAOL 0010 – Practical Ways to Secure your Digital Privacy, featuring Virgil Freeman

In episode 10, special guest Virgil Freeman join John and I to discuss practical steps you can take right now to secure your digital privacy.


TAOL 0009 – The Truth behind the NSA’s PRISM and How to Defend your Privacy

In episode 9, John and I talk about the NSA’s massive PRISM surveillance program. John is rather blasé about the whole surveillance society but I want to defend myself from it aggressively. We talk about all the details around the story including the whistleblower, Edward Snowden. We also talk briefly about how to defend yourself from it. We need your questions on this topic for our next episode.


TAOL 0008 – Why John is Scared of a Libertarian Society

In our eighth episode, John and I talk about how to improve children’s self-esteem, the fact that rules and regulations are the same thing, how regulation might work in a stateless society and why it frankly scares John!


TAOL 0007 – Why George Thinks the Self-Ownership Principle is Dumb

John and I talk about homeowners associations and the self-ownership principle. John likes the self-ownership principle. George thinks it’s really stupid. Which one do you agree with? If you can avoid getting dizzy, you’ll find this episode intriguing.


TAOL 0006 – What’s Wrong with the Military?

In our sixth episode, John and I talk about why we’re not big fans of the military. We took a question from listener Wendy from Washington state who, as a veteran, doesn’t understand why we’re not big on the military. I think you’ll enjoy the conversation.


TAOL 0004 – Libertarian Parenting

In our fourth episode, John and I talk about libertarian parenting. We’re both dads so it’s not a theoretical discussion and we actually disagreed a little!


TAOL 0003 – The Underground Economy is Saving the Government

John and I talk about how the underground economy – where people work under the table – is actually holding the economy as a whole (and the government) together


Introducing The Art of Liberty Podcast

The Art of Liberty is a podcast about current events and politics by John Tyner and George Donnelly, two highly opinionated, yet eminently reasonable, libertarian activists from opposite coasts. A new episode every Tuesday. Subscribe now.