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Black DC Cop Would Enforce Segregation

This is the kind of jaw-dropping insanity that people will simply not understand after this police state has been put to rest. How could a person of African-American descent NOT recoil in horror at the thought of he, himself, imposing a known historical injustice on his fellow African-Americans? What a disappointment.

“I don’t make the laws, I just enforce them, sir. Your squabble is not with the police, it’s with the lawmakers.” This is what Mr. Dunn (the man in the video) said. The words of politicians can not arrest you. They can’t beat you. They don’t taunt you for hours while in jail. They can hardly frame you. Only cops can do that. Is this the origin of the word “cop-out?” Be responsible for your actions, Mr. Dunn. Just because you get a paycheck, it doesn’t absolve you of all wrongdoing and it shouldn’t silence your conscience.

This is why cops and other state-sympathizers and -enforcers must be challenged and questioned at every turn. This is why we must disobey them whenever feasible. Good people disobey bad laws. Just like Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and many others before and since, we know that the state often gets carried away trying to control other people. Our job is to disobey, randomly if need be, and incessantly question, so that sanity can be restored.

By George Donnelly

I'm building a tribe of radical libertarians to voluntarize the world by 2064. Join me.

3 replies on “Black DC Cop Would Enforce Segregation”

It was equal opportunity oppression in DC on August 20th. Between the statements of the black cop who would enforce segregation in exchange for a six figure income, a white female cop who attacked videographers in showed the violent nature of State actors. Lot of outrageous behavior by the law enforcers employed by the U.S. Capitol Police Department on August 20th / Lemonade Freedom Day. I’m really pleased with the way the lemonade liberators handled themselves.

I wonder what kind of services a 7-figure income would purchase from this guy? Would he be ok with torture? murder? rape? nuclear bombing?

Thanks for commenting, Jason.

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