The fact is that McCain can’t get his story straight and won’t undo the harm of the Bush years. The fact is that Obama is just another politician who is already selling out his idealistic supporters.
Bob Barr isn’t perfect, but he’s the best chance liberty- and peace-lovers have of ending the Iraq war, rolling back the erosion of civil liberties and breaking the Republicrat duopoly.
If you’re unhappy with politics as usual, it behooves you to support any reasonable third-party candidates, if only to pressure the Republicrats into being more responsive to your needs.
2 replies on “Bob Barr for President. A Real Choice.”
Lets get BoB to run for president now, for 2010 not 2012 ,,, everyone says obama won’t last that long,
we need Bob to start now ,we nned a true conservative now !!!!!
Lets get going!!!!!!!
Elections for President are every 4 years.
And even if Obama ceases to be President, there is an extensive order of succession. Barr’s not involved in that.