
Why I Got Discouraged and Why I’m Back

I got discouraged with the whole liberty community thing last fall. So I took an 8-month break. You probably didn’t notice and don’t care. That’s quite alright! Why did I get discouraged? Sometimes I feel like I’m doing my thing all by myself over here. It gets lonely and frustrating. I was being ridiculed by […]


Libertarianism is NOT “Every Man for Himself”

Are libertarians greedy? Do we not care about our fellow human beings? Do we have a zero-sum mentality; i.e., do we think somebody has to lose in order for someone to win? What’s your experience? The other day (actually, it was almost four years ago – this has been in my drafts folder a long […]


What Memorial Day Should be for Libertarians

Ask any “regular” joe United-Statesian and he’ll tell you that Memorial Day (Monday, May 28, 2012) is a holiday. He likes to relax, have a barbeque and perhaps spend time with family. Once in awhile, one will remember that, according to Wikipedia, it is “a day of remembering the men and women who died while […]


My Beef with Capitalism, in a Nutshell

‘Capitalism’ is a funny word. It means so many different things to so many different people, that it’s become entirely useless as a basis for any kind of rational or constructive communication. For some, it is a vessel to romanticize and to pour all their dreams into. For others, it is a trashcan they fill […]


Property Issues not Clear-Cut in Occupy Wall Street Zuccotti Park Eviction

In the latest attack by governments on free people, Michael Bloomberg of New York City has ordered his police to evict Occupy Wall Streeters from Zucotti Park. If this wasn’t bad enough, I noticed a libertarian friend post this today: My thoughts regarding the clearing out Zucotti Park: Good! Zucotti Park is privately owned, therefore, […]


Rap News #9 Parodies Ron Paul and the Zeitgeist Project

This is really funny. I highly encourage you to watch it. Sure, he gets some things not quite right about Ron Paul but he also hits home – hard – on a lot. Both Ron Paul and the Zeitgeist project are phenomena close to my political heart. I’ve been watching both for some time. Both […]


You’re Not Ready for Liberty

You say you want liberty. You complain about police, tickets, regulations, rules, abuses, corruption, politicians and bankers. You know the problem forwards and backwards. You’re an expert on the Federal Reserve. You’ve studied at Mises U. You’ve read Rothbard and watched Molyneux. People even go out of their way to read your critiques and respond […]


Forget the Labels and Focus on the Solutions

Are you so hung up on labels like capitalist, communist, socialist, progressive, conservative, libertarian and anarchist that it stops you from finding common cause with other people? Then you’ve fallen victim to ideology. Has it occurred to you that maybe communists aren’t so scary? That capitalists use that term to mean something other than the […]


Adam Kokesh: FEC Complaint “Not a Factor”

The FEC [Federal Election Commission] complaint was not a factor in canceling AVTM on RT. NOBODY takes Kincaid seriously, & the complaint had no legal basis. # I should have said something before all the conspiracy theorists jumped on the FEC for being responsible for AVTM being cancelled. It was not a factor! # I […]


Adam vs The Man: Canceled!

8/27 Update: Adam Kokesh: FEC Complaint “Not a Factor” What a shame. I really wanted Adam to continue doing his show. I thought he was doing a great job. Update: RT forced Adam to resign because he asked his viewers while on the air to donate to Ron Paul’s campaign it can be inferred that […]