
Are Candidates for Office Qualified? Test Them!

Are candidates for public office qualified? Are they up to speed on the law, pending legislation, top issues facing our nation, economics, political philosophy, parliamentary procedure and other factual knowledge and wisdom one needs to be an effective representative? We should draw up an exam, test our candidates and publish the results.


Loudest Voice = Majority Opinion

Loudest Voice = Majority Opinion, or how a small group can exert influence greater than its numbers. We in the Liberty movement might benefit from using psychology to make our numbers seem greater than they actually are.


LP Candidates Need Better Websites

While doing research for Libertarian Party Candidates earlier this month, I noticed that most of the more than 550 LP candidates running this year do not have websites. And of those who do, few are effective. By effective I mean: Effective Candidate Websites are professional-looking and aren’t straight out of 1995. highly readable: good-looking large […]


Guess How Many Libertarians are Running for Office this Year

I was reading a Libertarian Party document from 2000 the other day that named a goal of fielding 218 LP candidates for the US House of Representatives; that it would be the first time since the 1800’s that a third party had competed for a majority in the House. I Expected to Find a lot […]


Tips for Libertarian Activists

I found some useful tips for libertarian activists but the document is nearly 15 years old. Anyone got anything more up-to-date?


The Fed doesn’t Care What Senators Think

Sen. Bunning of KY gives Fed Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Paulson hell over the Fannie/Freddie bailouts and Paulson blows him off, as if he did not care what the senator thought. Remember, Congress has oversight authority over the Fed. I find this behavior outrageous. It’s time for the Fed to go. Via DailyPaul.


There is Nothing Wrong – and Much Good – With Earmarks

There is nothing wrong with earmarks. Earmarks are when members of Congress direct approved funds to be spent on a specific project, usually something that benefits their constituency. If they don’t earmark the funds, the bureaucrats decide how to spend them. I’d rather have my elected representative decide than an unfireable bureaucrat any day. In […]


A Pro-Death Libertarian? Not Me.

Kevin Colby wants us to know that he’s a pro-death Libertarian. In reality, he’s not much of a Libertarian at all, violates the Libertarian Party pledge against advocating the initiation of force and needs a remedial course in English grammar! But what irked me the most was his use of the Libertarian Party logo on […]


Fun with National Bankruptcy

Why does this video (apologies for ad) of assistant Treasury secretary for economic policy Phillip Swagel remind me of the movie Fun with Dick and Jane? 438,000 Jobs Lost So Far in 2008 Yesterday’s report that 62,000 jobs were lost brought the total for the first half of the year to 438,000 jobs. Meanwhile, the […]


McCain’s Joke About Killing Iranians: Not Funny

The Washington Post’s “The Trail” reports on John McCain’s latest “joke” on Iran: Responding to a question about a survey that shows increased exports to Iran, mainly from cigarettes, McCain said, “Maybe that’s a way of killing them.” Not only is this comment in bad taste, but it’s a strategic blunder. We have issues with […]