The economic reasons for favoring liberty have been done to death. They seriously bore me. Does it inspire you to hear that the government is wasting money? Hell, I waste money every day. Let’s talk about another side of the coin.

The economic reasons for favoring liberty have been done to death. They seriously bore me. Does it inspire you to hear that the government is wasting money? Hell, I waste money every day. Let’s talk about another side of the coin.
In the acrimonious political atmosphere of the early twenty-first century, where Obama fans desperately defend their latter-day Luke Skywalker at all costs and without much introspection, where authoritarian conservatives fall back to their contrived small-government script and where the middle just wants to know what’s in it for them, those few of us talking about […]
The more I learn about the nature of government, the more bizarre politicians get. This four-minute speech by Barack Obama reaches new heights of irony and baldfaced absurdity. It’s doubletalk. It makes no sense. Mr Obama’s pronouncement is an example of the ongoing statist shell game where everything is reversed – good to bad, right […]
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz seems to have forgotten that we don’t have free markets (yet). The idea that markets are “self adjusting,” that free, unfettered markets lead as if by an invisible hand to the well being of all, has been repeatedly refuted (the Great Depression was the most telling refutation). But it is […]