Agorism is the idea that we will achieve personal independence and liberty by trading amongst ourselves.

Agorism is the idea that we will achieve personal independence and liberty by trading amongst ourselves.
Arianna Huffington wants you to move your worthless US dollars from big banks that are tightly connected with the most powerful government aggressors to smaller banks that are loosely connected with the most powerful government aggressors. She’s produced a slick emotional persuasion piece (see above) that plays fast and loose with history and leverages Frank […]
I‘m in search of a master plan for liberty. I want a simple list of rules or principles that I can use to reliably guide me towards liberty – that state of being where I’m free from government (aggression) – so I can just live a regular life. Just do it! If Only … “So […]
Want to understand the Federal Reserve, inflation and monetary policy? Check out this 42-minute video from the Mises Institute. It answers a lot of questions in a short amount of time.
After reading my many criticisms of the people who do business as “The Government”, a friend of mine asked me what I think Barack Obama should do to resolve this financial “crisis”. I realize the importance of offering not only criticism but also solutions. It’s only fair. To criticize is to go on the offensive. […]
Bob Barr knows how to sell liberty. In this video he succinctly explains how the economy is managed by unelected officials at the Federal Reserve, that the government should not be the manager of the economy and that these developments rob the individual of their freedom. At it’s root, almost every problem we have can […]
You’ll enjoy this excellent speech by Ron Paul. “To condemn free-market capitalism because of anything going on today makes no sense, he says. To blame capitalism for the sins of statism is an outright lie used to push us further into the muck of fascism. This is intellectual ammunition that you need. It is now […]