Libertarians value liberty above all other values – to the exclusion of all other values! Libertarian don’t care about a darned thing other than their own liberty.

Libertarians value liberty above all other values – to the exclusion of all other values! Libertarian don’t care about a darned thing other than their own liberty.
Are libertarians greedy? Do we not care about our fellow human beings? Do we have a zero-sum mentality; i.e., do we think somebody has to lose in order for someone to win? What’s your experience? The other day (actually, it was almost four years ago – this has been in my drafts folder a long […]
What if at the time being people are too damn busy cuz they have to pay rent mortgage bills food and the community is too busy working to expend the energies needed to be a champion. What if some people could make it their job to support those who do not have enough social capital […]
Wherein I answer 38 objections to my article on how to bootstrap a resilient mutual aid society.
Mutual aid is the idea that we can or should or do already cooperate as much, or more than, we compete. Mutual aid is an opportunity for liberty lovers of all stripes to work together to build a better future. In my better future, people help each other out. In fact, where I live in […]
Thank you so much to everyone who noted my disappearing by federal agents and took steps to aid me. I am blessed and grateful to have such dear friends and comrades. Thank you. I will post more when I can. I’m currently recuperating from the relatively mild torture tactics deployed against me (and many other […]