To love it would be a lie, to leave it is impossible.

To love it would be a lie, to leave it is impossible.
As promised, here are my primary sources for the short film United States of America vs George Donnelly: How US Marshals Framed a Peaceful Photographer. I apologize for the delay. I’m working on getting even more information and hope to release it soon. Here is the raw video footage from my Canon camera. It is […]
WikiLeaks is a beacon of truth and liberty in a world under siege by the United States.
Saying that “our ideals give us the strength and moral high ground,” the Commander-in-Chief issued a bold decree Friday night revising and simplifying the government’s terms of service. “This grand step forward is dedicated to the proposition that all men are equal,” he said during an open-air speech at Chicago’s Soldier Field. Formalizes New Powers […]
I am outraged by what my country has done to the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and secret CIA prisons elsewhere. Watch the PBS Documentary “Torturing Democracy“ to see for yourself the new circle of hell Bush, Cheney and friends created for people who were never charged with anything. Also on YouTube.