Join me in my goal to end aggression worldwide and replace it with a voluntary order by 2064.
A Voluntary World by 2064

Join me in my goal to end aggression worldwide and replace it with a voluntary order by 2064.
Tarrin Lupo illustrates as plain as day the difference between taxation and voluntary exchange. It’s so easy, your kids can get it. One variant Tarrin didn’t cover that trips up some critics of liberty is when a person incurs an obligation and can be forced to make good on it. For example, if you hurt […]
We can’t change the folks doing business as the US government. We can’t stop the wars or the torture. We can’t end the Federal Reserve. We can’t legalize marijuana. Holding unregulated cops accountable for their abuses is outside our purview. Freeing non-violent prisoners is beyond our reach. There are a lot of wrongs we simply […]