
Guess How Many Libertarians are Running for Office this Year

I was reading a Libertarian Party document from 2000 the other day that named a goal of fielding 218 LP candidates for the US House of Representatives; that it would be the first time since the 1800’s that a third party had competed for a majority in the House. I Expected to Find a lot […]


Why America Needs the Libertarian Party

Why America needs, nay, is crying out for, the Libertarian Party. At all levels, federal, state and local, government entitlements are outstripping the growth of the economy, making it impossible to ever pay for them all. We simply can not continue paying fortunes for people to not work. Sorry.


Tips for Libertarian Activists

I found some useful tips for libertarian activists but the document is nearly 15 years old. Anyone got anything more up-to-date?


Maricopa County Sherrif’s Office Tortures and Murders Drug Addict

Maricopa County Sherrif’s Office adds another notch to their belts. They tortured and murdered a drug addict person. Let’s hope this guy wins the next election.


Who Will Bail out the Government?

Who will bail out the government? Not only are we faced with a growing national debt and the costs of bailing out Wall Street, but we’re also short $53 trillion needed to cover current commitments for Social Security, Medicare and other entitlements. That’s $455,000 per U.S. household. Add to that health care costs which are […]


The Fed doesn’t Care What Senators Think

Sen. Bunning of KY gives Fed Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Paulson hell over the Fannie/Freddie bailouts and Paulson blows him off, as if he did not care what the senator thought. Remember, Congress has oversight authority over the Fed. I find this behavior outrageous. It’s time for the Fed to go. Via DailyPaul.


The Rich are NOT “Cheating” The Government. Please!

“Are America’s wealthiest citizens cheating the government out of billions?” NO! The government is cheating the working poor, middle class and others out of our hard-earned money – in other words, our lives.


Where Should I Move to?

Fort Collins, Colorado is a nice place to live. Do I move my family back to my hometown of Philadelphia? To Free State Project‘s New Hampshire? Or to a gorgeous locale out west, like Fort Collins? Employment-wise, I can live most anywhere, but I do plan to run for public office, as a Libertarian. Any […]


I’m Terribly Tired of Twitter

I’ve been twittering for several months now and frankly, I’m bored. Here’s why: The importance level of the information I get via Twitter is very low. There is precious little of value there. The volume level is way too high – even now that I only follow those who follow me. Keeping up is hard. […]


There is Nothing Wrong – and Much Good – With Earmarks

There is nothing wrong with earmarks. Earmarks are when members of Congress direct approved funds to be spent on a specific project, usually something that benefits their constituency. If they don’t earmark the funds, the bureaucrats decide how to spend them. I’d rather have my elected representative decide than an unfireable bureaucrat any day. In […]