
Early Sales Pitch for the Free Me Project

Here’s my first try at a quick sales pitch/description of what the Free Me Project is. Criticism welcome. :)

The Free Me Project is the market anarchist’s answer to the Free State Project. It says we have to free people, not states. Its work is the evolution of humanity towards complete liberty using peaceful means while preparing liberty-lovers to not only survive but thrive in an atmosphere of aggression. It’s based on the voluntaryist concept of peaceful evolution and the voluntaryist emphasis on education, non-voting and self-improvement while incorporating the revolutionary insights and strategies of agorism, the principles of open source organization that have worked so well for Linux, Wikipedia and even IBM and, perhaps surprisingly, tactical insights from the kind of resilient insurgency you see in Iraq (4th and 5th generation warfare).

By George Donnelly

I'm building a tribe of radical libertarians to voluntarize the world by 2064. Join me.

10 replies on “Early Sales Pitch for the Free Me Project”

George Donnelly,

I think the Free Me Project is great and I will be keeping my eye on the site. As you have asked for critiques I will offer some of my own. I take issue with the website statement that implies that the FSP is not for market anarchists. Speaking as a proud market anarchist and self-secessionist who moved to and now lives in New Hampshire, I do not see market anarchism in conflict with the FSP. In fact I see the FSP as a Free Me Project plus a local network of people who already get and are excited about liberty. And that’s all the criticism I’ve got for this wonderful idea.

Best of wishes to your projects and goals!


Setting up a wiki for the project might be building basic services.

They are exactly that, so long as they are useful. You are right that they aren’t as useful as everybody thinks they will be… until they hit a critical mass of people willing to write and edit, then they’re invaluable. It’s doubtful we’d hit critical mass on this one in any useful timespan. The real point is that we need some kind of central repository of ideas, hopefully indexed and cross-linked. I don’t know of a better way to do it than a wiki, but a wiki per-se is not really a good solution.

The core problem is getting people to write content, and people to index/crosslink it.The content is already coming around, but it’s scattered. We need to invent something that sits in that space between search engines and wikis. Heh, that’ll make us a few billion dollars, then we can just go buy Zimbabwe or something and set up the agora there.

Hi Charlie, thanks. :)

I take issue with the website statement that implies that the FSP is not for market anarchists.

My words don’t imply that. Can you even infer that from them? I don’t think so.

The FSP, like so many other minarchist efforts, is designed to reduce the size of government by begging tyrants for our liberty and/or trying to become a tyrant, albeit a kinder, gentler one.

IOW, it is dominated by minarchist thinking and market anarchists like me are tagging along awkwardly.

However, market anarchists need our own space. We need efforts that match up with our principles and tactics and are innovative – not just the same old vote, beg and protest.

I do not see market anarchism in conflict with the FSP.

The FMP is complementary to the FSP.

The FSP, however, is a minarchist organization driven by minarchist methods and priorities and timidities.

The FMP offers a paradigm to market anarchists that works from our principles, priorities, methods and lack of minarchist timidities.

In fact I see the FSP as a Free Me Project plus a local network of people who already get and are excited about liberty.

Right on! I think Free Keene is an evolutionary step up from the FSP and the FMP attempts to capture the essence of that and build on it.

Thanks for commenting Charlie.

The real point is that we need some kind of central repository of ideas, hopefully indexed and cross-linked.

So, the question that needs to be answered, you’re saying, is “how do people find all the collected knowledge on worldwide open source peaceful evolution?” Would you agree with that?

How about just an index? And one that can be replicated for resiliency. IOW, if the original index goes down for whatever reason, there are others exactly identical that can replace it.

The problem with that tho is that it has to be maintained manually and that usually falls to 1-3 people and that’s not sustainable over the long term.

Perhaps all posts about this should be tagged. Then they could easily be found via google [blog] search. The tag could be placement of [WOSPE] in the title field or just a link back to (though nothing important should depend on that domain for long) or a code, like “FMPA3V”.

Of course if an antagonist discovered the code/tag they could flood the search indices with decoys and disrupt our effort.

Perhaps a better option is to provide easily-downloadable copies of all knowledge so each evolutionary can have their own repository and can search it with their own desktop search?

LOL good idea on making a billion dollars! But I don’t think we can count on people to move to Africa, hehe.

Thanks for your comments, always thought-provoking and useful. :)

@ George. Donnelly.
Yes, the Free State Project organization is minarchist but can be avoided. In my opinion, it is the idea that people are networking around that is sound and very counter-economic. For one who wishes to avoid dealing with it, do what I and many others have done and work outside the FSP and by nor registering with them and building a personal web of connections with local anarchists and agorists.

I personally think it would be neat to form an anarchist hub where agorists and anarchists, both movers and planned movers, can connect, organize and act locally in New Hampshire in concert with the many other market-based anarchists in the vicinity.

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