
Sweden: Land of Collectivist Nonsense

I’m thanking my lucky stars today that I don’t live in Sweden. “Why?” you ask?

In Sweden, not only are the schools public property, but you also can not discriminate on public property!

An eight-year-old boy has sparked an unlikely outcry in Sweden after failing to invite two of his classmates to his birthday party.

The boy’s school says he has violated the children’s rights and has complained to the Swedish Parliament.

The school, in Lund, southern Sweden, argues that if invitations are handed out on school premises then it must ensure there is no discrimination.

Discrimination = You Must Take the Good with the Bad

So I guess if the boy had handed out strawberries, instead of invitations, and had offered them to all, but that some were fresh while others rotten, well, the recipients could not have discriminated, right? They would have to accept and consume those strawberries, since failing to eat a rotten one would be discrimination. Right?

Like Non-Discrimination Laws? Public Schools? Then you Like This.

Let’s be honest here. If you agree that the government must force people not to discriminate, and you agree that the government must run the schools, then you must agree with this, which is only the logical conclusion of the first two.

“But, but … this is ridiculous!” you say. Well, so is (forced) non-discrimination and government-owned schools. Non-discrimination means you can’t make your own judgment and act on it, otherwise known as using your brain. Government-owned schools mean wasted money, poor results and a mis- and un-educated citizenry, but that case is self-evident these days, ain’t it?

It’s Like Taking Someone’s Mail?

“No one has the right to confiscate someone’s property in this way, it’s like taking someone’s post,” he [the boy’s father] added.

But even Sweden’s postal service (Posten) is a government owned “enterprise”. So what’s the difference? Posten could demand people not discriminate any day now, thus requiring you to pay bills (through the mail) not only for those services you wish to use, but also for any service that demands its right to not be discriminated against, and thus get paid, too.

Sweden: A Few Steps “Ahead” of US

I thought we had it bad in the US, but I can see Sweden is a few steps “ahead” of us. Sweden, today, I pity you.

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By George Donnelly

I'm building a tribe of radical libertarians to voluntarize the world by 2064. Join me.

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