Opt out of the porno-scanners until they are removed! We must stop them here.

Opt out of the porno-scanners until they are removed! We must stop them here.
While researching the new backscatter X-ray naked-body scanning machines that the federal government is placing in airports around North America, I came across a commenter on NJ.com who claims the scanners infringe on his freedom. Is he right? Are the scanners being forced on travelers against their will? Can enterprising individuals offer a competing security […]
Liberty, today, is like yarn. Many disregard it as obsolete, irrelevant and generally uninteresting. But not in New Hampshire. At the Free State Project’s Liberty Forum in Nashua, NH this past weekend, I found intelligent, personable and dedicated libertarians who practice what they preach by having uprooted themselves and moved to New Hampshire to work […]