
Free State Project To Reach Goal of 20,000 Signers by Late 2016

The Free State Project will likely reach its signup goal of 20,000 libertarians by next year, but its ultimate goal of moving those participants to New Hampshire could take another 15 years. Even then, FSP-related migrations will be dwarfed by other migrants.


Free Keene Gets TV Coverage

Ask me how you can get coverage for your liberty activism too.

Get Active Libertarian

Those Willing to Face Violent People in Defense of their Comrades are Heroes

I admire David Krouse. Violent people attacked a peaceful person in his presence. As the thugs attempted to flee with their victim, David took a stand in front of the car. It’s Tiananmen Square, albeit on a smaller scale. David committed an act of civil disobedience. He resisted state thugs peacefully. David, and everyone else […]

Agorism Get Active

You Can’t Sell Food in New Hampshire Unless You Pay the State Protection Money

There’s a meme making the rounds that agorism, the idea that one best reforms society by building a new one in the shell of the old, is better or safer than civil disobedience, the idea that we should disobey unjust state decrees. Yet agorism is a form of civil disobedience. And this video clearly shows […]

Agorism Green

6 Shocking Facts About the Future of Farming

The BBC’s documentary A Farm for the Future is both shocking and encouraging. It’s shocking as it lays out how modern farming methods are doomed by their dependence on fossil fuels and encouraging as it explains how productive and efficient permaculture can be. 22 Billion Slaves? Here are some interesting facts I picked up from […]


Kostric’s Poster An Enormous Tactical Mistake

While I will defend to the death William Kostric’s exercise of his rights to free speech, voluntary association and the bearing of arms (even all at the same time!) and I applaud his fortitude, I have to disapprove of his tactics in this particular case. The combination of firearm and a call to kill tyrants […]

Asides Get Active

Revamping My Liberty Activism Plans

Since my move to New Hampshire fell through, I’ve been occupied with furnishing my house, fighting weird allergic reactions, completing my involvement in planning my high school 20th reunion, recuperating from being ill with possibly the swine flu and otherwise getting my family and myself settled into our new lives in North America. I had […]

Asides Get Active

About that Move to New Hampshire

Yeah, about that move to New Hampshire to join other Free State Project members – it didn’t work out. I conducted a search from afar using Craigslist, several realtors, the MLS, word of mouth and other websites. I didn’t find much that might work for us. My Requirements for rent, no way I am sinking […]


8 Reasons Why I Admire Sam Dodson and the Not-So-Disorderly Keene Seven Activists

I am proud of the Not-So-Disorderly Seven. I am proud of Sam Dodson and the whole Keene crew. I am so proud to be able to say that soon I will join them in defending the nonviolent society and exposing the fraud that goes by the name of “The Government”. And here’s why: Sam followed […]

Libertarian Opinion

Liberty-Lovers Need Both Guns AND Honey

Dave Ridley – star of The Ridley Report and Free State Project early mover – makes a passionate plea for less concern with self-defense and more non-violent activism in the above video. Anti-government violence just strengthens the government, he says, so instead of preparing for violent conflict we should instead use media to seek more […]