What if I had a strategy for establishing an ordered, stateless libertarian zone on some of the best real estate in the world? Are you interested? What are you willing to do to realize such a vision?

What if I had a strategy for establishing an ordered, stateless libertarian zone on some of the best real estate in the world? Are you interested? What are you willing to do to realize such a vision?
This Yahoo News article about PayPal founder Peter Thiel’s donation to the Seasteading Institute cracks me up. According to the writer, the libertarian project consists of “no welfare, looser building codes, no minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons.” LOL. In reality, libertarianism is about having legitimate authority, voluntary authority. Right now, the world is […]
Patri Friedman is speaking at the Cato Institute in Washington DC, Tuesday, April 7th about seasteading. If you’ll be in Washington, don’t miss it! You can also watch the event online. Here’s the Facebook event. Mr Friedman gave a very compelling presentation on seasteading at the Free State Project’s Liberty Forum earlier this month but […]