
Free Grafton Selects Ambassador to UnFree Grafton

The liberty activism in Grafton, New Hampshire is innovative, entertaining and strikes the root.

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Those Willing to Face Violent People in Defense of their Comrades are Heroes

I admire David Krouse. Violent people attacked a peaceful person in his presence. As the thugs attempted to flee with their victim, David took a stand in front of the car. It’s Tiananmen Square, albeit on a smaller scale. David committed an act of civil disobedience. He resisted state thugs peacefully. David, and everyone else […]


Cops’ Oaths Obligate Them to End the War on Drugs Now, Not Continue Prosecuting it

Imagine your friend engages you in a venture to feed the homeless. You must help me, he says. You promise to do so. On the first day of feeding the hungry, your friend steals their booze, cigarettes and drugs. It’s only right, he says, since there’s no sense in feeding people who are killing themselves. […]

Agorism Get Active

You Can’t Sell Food in New Hampshire Unless You Pay the State Protection Money

There’s a meme making the rounds that agorism, the idea that one best reforms society by building a new one in the shell of the old, is better or safer than civil disobedience, the idea that we should disobey unjust state decrees. Yet agorism is a form of civil disobedience. And this video clearly shows […]