
Anarchist Tactics that Minarchists Need

Minarchists need to expand their repertoire of tactics. Some ideas.


Would Wal-Mart be a Problem Without its Government Privileges?

Would Wal-Mart be so powerful, so destructive and so hated if not for the power granted it by governments? That’s the question that plagues me after watching Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005). Wal-Mart gets government subsidies, a government grant of limited liability and favorable tax cuts. So why does an otherwise fine […]


Eminent Domain is Not Reasonable

I wrote this letter to the editor of the Glenside News in response to one published last week that argued, essentially, that eminent domain was reasonable, normal and very uncontroversial. This in response to the action there October 17. Eminent domain is not reasonable. Eminent domain is a twenty-five cent word for stealing. Eminent domain […]


Why do We Allow the Tyrant to Rule? [LRG Book]

What is it that inspires such cravenness in people that they cower before the tyrant? This is the question that sticks with me after reading Etienne de la Boetie’s The Discourse Of Voluntary Servitude with the Liberty Reading Group in October. I can understand fear of physical harm from a greater power but why do […]


Liberty Reading Group Reforming – Join us Now!

I‘m pleased to announce that our Liberty Reading Group is reforming and we’ve settled on Goodreads as its new home. The vendor I selected (booksprouts) has apparently gone under. Thanks to William Pearson for finding the replacement! Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience but keep in mind that Goodreads has considerably more useful features […]


The Problem with Intellectual Property is – Surprise – Government Aggression

Intellectual property, and the resistance to it, is something I’ve tried to grok for awhile now. RiP! A Remix Manifesto is a solid step towards remedying my ignorance, but it falls short of explicitly noting exactly why intellectual property has become the scourge that it is: government (aggression). A Queen is a Government Official The […]


How do Statists Reconcile their Message of Respect with their Deeds of Aggression? Not Well!

La Boetie wonders in his Discourse on Voluntary Servitude (this month’s Liberty Reading Group selection) why people are so easily fooled and enslaved by tyrants. With that question on the brain, I approached progressive and Obama supporter “vdaze” on twitter in the following conversation. As you read, please consider how I could have handled myself […]


8 Reasons to Join the Liberty Reading Group

N.B.: The Liberty Reading Group has moved to I was admiring my large to-be-read collection of libertarian literature and thought, “Hey, I need to kick-start this puppy, and I bet others do, too! We need a Liberty Reading Group, a place where we can get intellectual and motivate ourselves to read more, and more […]


A Day in the Life of John Q Public – The Video

Check out this video entitled “A Day in the Life of John Q Public,” made by some Illinois Institute of Art students long before my “A Day in the Life of John Q Public” concept occurred to me. What makes this really interesting is that the story in the video is not so different from […]


How to Run a Voluntaryist Meetup

After last night’s Delaware Valley Voluntaryists meetup – which was spectacular but not as goal-oriented as I wanted – I became aware of the need to explain my concept of how (I think) a voluntaryist society should function. So here goes, and keep in mind that it’s very simple. It’s a Marketplace It’s a marketplace. […]