
85-Year-Old Marine Vet of 3 Wars Screwed over by the Veterans Administration

An 85-year-old Marine vet of 3 wars is being screwed over by the Veterans Administration. He served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, can’t hear and has all kinds of medical problems. The Marines released him with a 100% disability rating. The VA tricked him But the VA tricked him into signing off on only a […]


Listen Empathically to Your Books

I enjoyed reading How to Get the Most Out of Your Books by Donald Latumahina this morning. But the following statement jolted me: “…the goal of reading books is getting actionable ideas.” This could be a goal for some books, for example, how-to or some self-improvement books, but it would be a travesty to apply […]


Three Reasons Why I’m Switching from Mac to Ubuntu

The rage these days is to switch to the Mac, so you may find it strange for someone to voluntarily switch from Mac to Linux. But I am and below are my reasons. I’ve been using Macs for 21 years I’ve been using Macs for 21 years. I learned to use computers with the first […]


Saddam Hussein: Killing a Killer Makes Two Wrongs and Zero Rights

Saddam Hussein may have been Satan himself, but what have the US and the new Iraqi regime proven by executing him?


A New Twist on School Violence from UCLA

Several University of California police officers brutally attacked a student who did not produce his identification in a university library computer lab last night. CAUTION: The above video contains disturbing scenes of brutality. The student nonviolently resisted the officers In the six-minute video of the incident shot by a witness, you can clearly see the […]


The Democrats Won – So What?

Yes, the Democrats won the mid-term elections and hopefully saved us from more Patriot Acts and other brazen attempts to stomp on our freedom. But, so what?