Libertarian Opinion

How to Extract Confessions from Innocent Men

Prepare to be shocked by this Frontline documentary.

Libertarian Opinion

If the State Treats its Soldiers like this, Why do you Expect Any Different?

If the state treats its last line of defense like this, why do you think it’s going to treat you any better?

Libertarian Opinion

Is there more Liberty in Hunter-Gatherer Societies?

The Babongo forest people work 3 to 4 hours per day in a beautiful forest. Watch and judge for yourself.


Toronto Community Stands up to Police

It’s encouraging to see a community come out in opposition to police. Why does it take extreme tactics like kettling and choke holds to produce this kind of response? Speaking for myself, I feel that school conditioned me to not stand out. When I stood out for intelligence, I was put down by fellow students. […]

Libertarian Opinion

Libertarianism is About Peace and Respect, not Somalia

Somalia is not a libertarian utopia. Find out what is.

Libertarian Opinion

Why I Deleted the Free State Project Facebook Page

The FSP claims to be a decentralized organization. It’s not.

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Here’s Some Ballsy, Yet Peaceful FBI Knowledge Dropping

I like this op. Activists projected a short film about FBI misdeeds on the FBI’s headquarters in Washington! Beautiful. That took some guts and I am glad they did it. What did these folks accomplish? I can’t be sure but at least they made an effort. They took a valiant stand against a multinational crime […]

Libertarian Opinion

What are you, a Communist? Well, Yes.

And a socialist, capitalist and everything in between – as long as it’s not also authoritarian.


Can Insurance Companies Function as Sources of Defense and Justice?

Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “In what way or ways would it be most difficult for insurance companies to function successfully as sources of justice and defense against aggression?” I don’t think insurance companies can function […]

Libertarian Opinion

Roderick Long Rebuts Locke and Rand on Anarchy, Navigates Shrewd Path Thru Voluntaryist-Partyarch Debate

Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 102, I watched and critiqued Roderick Long’s talk “Foundations of Libertarian Ethics.” [See above.] In “Foundations of Libertarian Ethics,” Roderick Long deftly refutes Lockean and Randian critiques of anarchy, using these same critiques against themselves in support of market anarchy. Long also evaluates strategies for achieving the stateless […]