Justice is so rare today. Here we have two Davids who made Goliath stumble, however slightly. Pete Eyre and Ademo Freeman were found NOT GUILTY of the 3 charges that Greenfield, Mass prosecutor Jeffrey Banks tried them on. NOT GUILTY of wiretapping, NOT GUILTY of resisting arrest. Real justice requires that Todd M. Dodge and […]
Tag: Adam Mueller
Today is day 2 of the Greenfield, Mass trial of Pete Eyre and Ademo Freeman for recording police officers in the course of their duties. And it started off with a whimper. The judge, without any further written order, has allegedly reduced the amount of transparency allowed in this trial. At first, he allowed only […]
My friends and two stellar activists for human rights, Adam and Pete are facing trial in Greenfield, Massachusetts today for filming the police in the course of their duties. The prosecutor calls this felony wiretapping and resisting arrest. But photography is not a crime! The same prosecutor has already dropped several of the charges that […]
What’s your Activist Arc?

Which direction is your liberty activism trending towards? Is it going where you want it to?

Pete and Adam don’t just welcome the truth. They live it too. For that they deserve your support.
Liberty on Tour has gone to work! Here they are, Pete Eyre and Adam Mueller, in New York City performing a liberty op in support of Julian Heicklen’s campaign to inform potential jurors of their ability to judge the law as well as the facts. If they can film at this federal courthouse in Manhattan […]