The liberty activism in Grafton, New Hampshire is innovative, entertaining and strikes the root.

The liberty activism in Grafton, New Hampshire is innovative, entertaining and strikes the root.
I was reading a Libertarian Party document from 2000 the other day that named a goal of fielding 218 LP candidates for the US House of Representatives; that it would be the first time since the 1800’s that a third party had competed for a majority in the House. I Expected to Find a lot […]
Given the choices we face this year for President, it’s likely we will get another tax-and-spend, civil-liberties-eroding, foreign-adventuring head of state. And even if we don’t, and Bob Barr is elected, he will still need a Libertarian Congress if he’s to get much done. If it Works… The Republican Contract with America is generally believed […]
Yes, the Democrats won the mid-term elections and hopefully saved us from more Patriot Acts and other brazen attempts to stomp on our freedom. But, so what?