An FBI agent with the New Hampshire Joint Terrorism Task Force is recruiting activists to inform on Free State Project members. That’s what activist Pete Eyre says in the above video, released by Cop Block yesterday. Keene police brought marijuana activist Rich Paul to an interrogation room yesterday where FBI agent Phil Christiana asked him […]
Tag: FBI
Ridicule defeats the most powerful guns and most sensitive surveillance devices.
How are we libertarians going to counter the continuing march towards complete societal lockdown? In the news, we find that the US state is tightening its grip on the internet. Cops can put a GPS tracker on your car without a warrant. Naked body scanners have flown out of the airports and are now in […]
I like this op. Activists projected a short film about FBI misdeeds on the FBI’s headquarters in Washington! Beautiful. That took some guts and I am glad they did it. What did these folks accomplish? I can’t be sure but at least they made an effort. They took a valiant stand against a multinational crime […]
This Wired article details how the FBI used a grand jury to subpoena some medical records legally – then returned the records and inappropriately used a national security letter (NSL) in an attempt to get the very same records. Once the university rejected the NSL, as it should have, the FBI went to Congress citing […]
If so then the FBI considers you a terrorist. Not enough domestic terrorism? Redefine the terms to grow your authority. You may also be a terrorist if you: Refuse to identify yourself. Defend the constitution against the federal government and the UN. Ask to know why the police stopped you[!] Attempt to “police the police.” […]