Mutualization, not privatization, is the answer to out-of-control cops and security guards.

Mutualization, not privatization, is the answer to out-of-control cops and security guards.
Forget ‘privatization.’ Let’s talk about mutualization! It’s more just and more accurate.
If your activism is illegal, don’t incriminate yourself. Be discreet instead.
Better to make victims whole than punish offenders.
Agorism, the idea that we should trade outside the purview of the state in order to bring about a better world, is risky business. But these gentlemen are heroes. These water vendors – and I have seen businesspeople like them all over the world – exemplify the best aspects of humanity. Although they are down […]
The War on Drugs is a misnomer. It’s a War on People, good people at that. Take a gander at this brief video from legendary liberty activists Pete Eyre and Adam Mueller where they interview fine individuals who are suffering unjustly due to their use or distribution of a plant that served humanity well for […]
Marc Emery is a Canadian man who is now in (US) federal prison for 5 years over his business of selling cannabis seeds to the public. It breaks my heart to see this man in prison. He has harmed no one. There is no victim for the crime he is accused of. In Canada, his […]
Liberty on Tour has gone to work! Here they are, Pete Eyre and Adam Mueller, in New York City performing a liberty op in support of Julian Heicklen’s campaign to inform potential jurors of their ability to judge the law as well as the facts. If they can film at this federal courthouse in Manhattan […]
Are you familiar with London’s Love Police [YouTube video]? Well here is Philadelphia’s Love Police. I think they did a great job and I look forward to more in the future! The next Philly-area meetup is this coming Friday, August 13 from 7:00pm to 10:30pm at Pizzacato (In Back Room, Reserved) 248 Market Street (3rd […]