Respected jury independence activist Julian Heicklen was arrested this morning at the Orange county courthouse in Orlando, Florida. The arrest is ostensibly for violating Chief Judge Belvin Perry‘s order banning “first amendment activities” in or near his castle courthouse. (Here is a PDF of that order.) Perry has caged Julian until September 1st, at the […]
Tag: rights
Hazle Township, Pennsylvania supervisors have declared war on yard sales. They say too many local residents are holding too many yard sales too often. So they’ve rolled out new limits for budding entrepreneurs who use their own property to freely associate and trade with their fellow human beings. Those wishing to hold a yard sale […]
This week Julian Heicklen is expanding his jury rights pamphleteering tour to New Jersey, multiple locations in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Today Jim Babb and I joined him at the federal district courthouse in Trenton, New Jersey. We were only minimally hassled and managed to hand out 200 pamphlets before we retired to lunch. Tomorrow we’ll […]
Our pamphleteering got off to a quiet start yesterday. Not one of the 17 state officers that poked and prodded us three weeks ago was visible. Apparently a memo came down ordering them to tolerate our peaceful public education effort. Our numbers increased to nine and veteran activists Julian Heicklen and Jim Babb brought more […]

Talking about your rights doesn’t resonate. Shift the paradigm.