Taxation is theft. This concept is central to anarcho-capitalistic thinking. And it’s wrong.
Taxation is not Theft (for the 99%)

Taxation is theft. This concept is central to anarcho-capitalistic thinking. And it’s wrong.
Tarrin Lupo illustrates as plain as day the difference between taxation and voluntary exchange. It’s so easy, your kids can get it. One variant Tarrin didn’t cover that trips up some critics of liberty is when a person incurs an obligation and can be forced to make good on it. For example, if you hurt […]
This gorgeous pro-marijuana-legalization video will only take three and a half minutes of your time. It succinctly and passionately makes the case for ending marijuana prohibition. You’ll want to pass it on to your social network. Let’s face it, marijuana is natural. It is a plant, a very valuable one. It is the source of […]
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “Is taxation theft? Why or why not?” Taxation is theft because it is the use of aggression to deny another person their property. It doesn’t matter what their property is to […]
Taxation is theft. It’s not a new concept for me or probably for many of you, but it is a game-changing connection to make for those not familiar with liberty. So when FSK suggested a campaign to put “taxation is theft” stickers on all those political lawn sign eyesores that are polluting the public spaces […]
Some love a vigorous exchange of ideas, while others dare not speak too much for fear of revealing the contradictions in their own thinking. I ran into an example of the latter the other day by way of a tax accountant, Joe Kristan, who advocates the creation of a special IRS unit to go after […]
LP presidential candidate Dr. Mary Ruwart presents an insightful argument against taxation. Well worth the 5-minute read. You can find here campaign at One day, the “necessary evil” of taxation will be recognized for what libertarians know it to be: legalized theft, a hindrance to civilization, prosperity, harmony, and happiness. With taxation, we take […]