Mutualization, not privatization, is the answer to out-of-control cops and security guards.

Mutualization, not privatization, is the answer to out-of-control cops and security guards.
In response to this latest attack, I’ve decided to vigorously pursue my options on both it and the Plymouth one three months ago. The unlimited power held by cops has been laid bare. People who’ve read my recounting of the events insist that these cops can be held accountable by the same system that enables […]
Here are followup articles to this one, from newest to oldest: Filed Complaint with Plymouth Police (video) 13 January 2010 Plymouth Township Denies My Right to Know Request but Hands Over Police Report 16 Oct 2009 Followup on My Assault at the Hands of Plymouth Township Cops 14 Oct 2009 It was a beautiful autumn […]