James Babb visited Ocean County, NJ this morning in order to educate potential jurors about their jury rights. He came home with his First Amendment rights violated and jury tampering charges hanging over his head.

James Babb visited Ocean County, NJ this morning in order to educate potential jurors about their jury rights. He came home with his First Amendment rights violated and jury tampering charges hanging over his head.
Judges and prosecutors fly into fits of rage when people mention jury nullification because it threatens their arbitrary power. Here are 6 reasons why we all need to be jury rights experts.
Join me in my goal to end aggression worldwide and replace it with a voluntary order by 2064.
What if I had a strategy for establishing an ordered, stateless libertarian zone on some of the best real estate in the world? Are you interested? What are you willing to do to realize such a vision?
I think we libertarians frequently get in our own individual way more often than we realize. It’s hard enough for us to struggle against governments and society at large, do we have to fight ourselves and amongst ourselves, as well?
We libertarians want to live in a fully libertarian society, where non-aggression is the rule, we can trade freely and get the most out of our lives. That sometimes seems far away so how can we get that feeling of liberty now, in our own lives? How can we make it reality, too? And, can we advance the evolution to a libertarian society by living a more libertarian life today?
PorcFest will be raided by a combined local, state and federal police force some time in the next three years. Start preparing for this eventuality now. Take PorcFest a step further. Inject more leadership, long-range planning and on-the-ground organization into it. Do it now, before it’s too late.
How do you stay safe when engaging in activism? We want to stand up for our principles. We want to make a statement. We want our voices to be heard. We want to influence our world so that we can eventually leave it better than we found it. And we want to do that without violence. But we don’t want to get our necks broken in the process.
The restaurant chain Chipotle has banned the open carry of firearms from its more than 1,000 locations across North America because some folks in Texas open carried battle rifles into one of their stores. Some of these open carriers reportedly have also engaged in a war of nasty words with female proponents of limiting firearm rights. This is an activism fail. These guys wanted to normalize the open carry of battle rifles, the AR-15, AK-47 and similar, but their op backfired on them because:
No, we need to build community. That means relationships. We need, each of us, to find ourselves, our respective individual truths. We need to share that with the world in a human way. An emotional way. One person at a time. And we need to be present when our fellow community members do the same. Every day of every year for the rest of our lives.