
My Visit with the Campesino Resistance to El Quimbo in Colombia

Earlier this month, I caught an overnight bus from my home in MedellĂ­n, Colombia to a small town called Gigante in southern Colombia. I was cold and scared. I was heading to a place I’d never been before to meet people I’d never met before. About 20 minutes from the town by taxi, the Spanish-Italian […]


I’m Experimenting with the Esselstyn Vegan Diet

Last week I started experimenting with a vegan diet. My inspiration is Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, his research on stopping and reversing heart disease, and related research. For at least 28 days, I am giving up meat, dairy, extracted oils and most sugar. I’m eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes almost exclusively. A lot of […]


Plants are Sustainable Food

This is Brendan Brazier, a successful endurance athlete who is also a long-time vegan. This video is from his Thrive 30 program, which is a free set of video lessons on leveraging a plant-based diet for optimum performance. I found Episode 11 particularly interesting because Brendan succinctly explains the sustainability issues surrounding the consumption of […]


“They are in the Process of Owning Food, all Food.”

How Monsanto is eating our food sovereignty, one GMO seed at a time.


We Must Live in Alignment with our Principles

We can’t change the folks doing business as the US government. We can’t stop the wars or the torture. We can’t end the Federal Reserve. We can’t legalize marijuana. Holding unregulated cops accountable for their abuses is outside our purview. Freeing non-violent prisoners is beyond our reach. There are a lot of wrongs we simply […]