If facism is coming to America, the Tea Party is bringing it.

If facism is coming to America, the Tea Party is bringing it.
Liberty Fix is a libertarian talk radio show hosted by activist and blogger George Donnelly (that’s me!). On Liberty Fix, we talk about peaceful libertarian solutions to your problems, the problems created by aggression and whatever you like! You decide. After all, a spoonful of liberty helps the government go down! Get your liberty fix […]
Our pamphleteering got off to a quiet start yesterday. Not one of the 17 state officers that poked and prodded us three weeks ago was visible. Apparently a memo came down ordering them to tolerate our peaceful public education effort. Our numbers increased to nine and veteran activists Julian Heicklen and Jim Babb brought more […]
Activists educate. Thugs intimidate. Find out who wins.
Armed liberty lovers from around the Delaware Valley met up at Plymouth township’s Bicentennial Park to pick up litter and chew the fat. In all 17 good folks attended. Every one had a grand time, lots of litter was picked up and even the next generation got to compare notes. Check out the above video […]
Are there enough libertarian bloggers? Are potential libertarian bloggers posting all their thought and analysis to Facebook, a walled garden where your accumulated writings can be wiped out in the blink of an eye? I know I am. In fact, I posted about this precisely on Facebook! I Want More Don’t get me wrong, there […]
Update: I did this in early 2011 as Anarch.me but interest fizzled and I couldn’t get enough posts. I’m passing the project on to someone else. Here’s an idea: a multi-author libertarian anarchist blog, well-designed and -marketed, that stands out (just short of attention-whoring) and addresses a mainstream audience. The concept is one of many […]
I‘m talking about solutions, but have I defined the problem? How do you know if the solution works for you if you haven’t explicitly identified the problem it’s meant to solve? We’ve got to keep that horse in front of the cart. Short and Simple: Aggression Some people think the ends justify the means. They […]
Lately I’ve been getting flak for telling it like it is about minarchists and calling self-identified anarchists who participate in government anarchists-in-name-only. Is telling things straight and without candy-coating counterproductive? Am I alienating potential “converts”? Is this moralizing? Should I be catching bees with honey instead of speaking truth to people who are supposed to […]
Are you a liberty-lover looking to connect with like-minded folks for mutual gain? Then Twitter – a service that enables you to broadcast short messages and find a network – is for you. We libertarians are so few and far between that networking is critical. It’s a force-multiplier. It’s a survival strategy. Tons of Liberty-Advancing […]