Anonymous requests that we write “You are anonymous” on federal reserve notes so “the system” will work for us. Brilliant.

Anonymous requests that we write “You are anonymous” on federal reserve notes so “the system” will work for us. Brilliant.
How are we libertarians going to counter the continuing march towards complete societal lockdown? In the news, we find that the US state is tightening its grip on the internet. Cops can put a GPS tracker on your car without a warrant. Naked body scanners have flown out of the airports and are now in […]
La Boetie wonders in his Discourse on Voluntary Servitude (this month’s Liberty Reading Group selection) why people are so easily fooled and enslaved by tyrants. With that question on the brain, I approached progressive and Obama supporter “vdaze” on twitter in the following conversation. As you read, please consider how I could have handled myself […]
Can we take Mr Obama at his word? Are the right’s criticisms of his planned attack on the health care industry invalid just because they have no basis in current bills? Can we trust that today’s power grab won’t enable unexpected future abuses? That’s what a friend of mine implied when they posted a link […]
In the acrimonious political atmosphere of the early twenty-first century, where Obama fans desperately defend their latter-day Luke Skywalker at all costs and without much introspection, where authoritarian conservatives fall back to their contrived small-government script and where the middle just wants to know what’s in it for them, those few of us talking about […]
I‘m having a good laugh this evening at the CFO of Sage Electrochromics, Mike Kennedy, who’s upset that his $65 million loan guarantee from the Department of Energy (i.e., the little dictators doing business as “The Government”) is taking too long. “I’m guessing that we will have the money by the end of the year […]
After reading my many criticisms of the people who do business as “The Government”, a friend of mine asked me what I think Barack Obama should do to resolve this financial “crisis”. I realize the importance of offering not only criticism but also solutions. It’s only fair. To criticize is to go on the offensive. […]
The more I learn about the nature of government, the more bizarre politicians get. This four-minute speech by Barack Obama reaches new heights of irony and baldfaced absurdity. It’s doubletalk. It makes no sense. Mr Obama’s pronouncement is an example of the ongoing statist shell game where everything is reversed – good to bad, right […]
What Guantanamo fans don’t understand is that the torture, the “extraordinary renditions”, the failure to respect the Geneva Convention and the utter disregard for basic human rights tainted the Guantanamo Bay and secret CIA prisons worldwide. Justice needs to be done for the victims of terrorist attacks, says Marine prosecutor Major Jeff Groharing, but what […]
Steve over at Delaware Libertarian is a proposing a stimulus package that actually has a chance to work: end taxes. Since the US government funds deficits with debt anyway, what’s the point in wasting money on all the administrative costs of collecting taxes? Just print more money, and let the people keep that 20-50 per […]