How would war work in a stateless society? Would it happen at all? John and I talked about that and much more in our 20th episode. Give it a listen!

How would war work in a stateless society? Would it happen at all? John and I talked about that and much more in our 20th episode. Give it a listen!
The FEC [Federal Election Commission] complaint was not a factor in canceling AVTM on RT. NOBODY takes Kincaid seriously, & the complaint had no legal basis. # I should have said something before all the conspiracy theorists jumped on the FEC for being responsible for AVTM being cancelled. It was not a factor! # I […]
It’s great he’s [Ron Paul] anti-war. And for legalizing drugs. I’d be tempted to vote for him just based on those two things except…he’s a hypocrite. And he wants to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. Let’s forget about that though and just get back to the hypocrisy. All I hear from him is “personal […]
On second thought, let’s opt out and not pay government anything.
I love this video. Peter Schiff is the Ron Paul of the financial world. Just as the other GOP candidates laughed at Ron Paul in the debates, so we see talking heads laugh at Peter Schiff as he predicts with amazing accuracy over the last two years the course of financial matters that we are […]
Yesterday, Ron-Paul-supporting Republican party delegates in Nevada reconvened the state convention – by themselves. The delegate count was down from 1400 at the original, flawed convention in April to 300. Through creative use of the rules, they managed to declare a quorum anyway. Purely for Entertainment Value I don’t doubt that they’ll modify the Nevada […]
The Partial Observer thinks the Libertarian and Constitution parties should merge, since either party could have nominated Ron Paul. “If both parties would have backed the same guy,” the author asks, “why have two parties?” The Non-Aggression Principle He succinctly answers his own question in the next paragraph. LP members tends to favor open immigration, […]
You’ll enjoy this excellent speech by Ron Paul. “To condemn free-market capitalism because of anything going on today makes no sense, he says. To blame capitalism for the sins of statism is an outright lie used to push us further into the muck of fascism. This is intellectual ammunition that you need. It is now […]
I find it entirely irrational and self-deceptive to think that Ron-Paulians are going to take over the GOP or even have any significant impact. When Ron Paul theoretically had a shot at the GOP nomination I was right in there with many many other people promoting him and donating money. That time has now passed. […]
For those of us that had high hopes of Ron Paul placing at least third in Iowa and first in New Hampshire, the disappointment is palpable. We gave him $20 million dollars and went evangelical to get him the needed exposure. Doing worse in New Hampshire than in Iowa and losing the anti-war vote to […]