Today I discussed leaked cables 04WELLINGTON605, 04WELLINGTON647, 06SANSALVADOR407, 10BASRAH1 and 10MADRID179.

Today I discussed leaked cables 04WELLINGTON605, 04WELLINGTON647, 06SANSALVADOR407, 10BASRAH1 and 10MADRID179.
Every day, Monday thru Friday, at 12:05PM EST, I’m reporting on the latest WikiLeaks leaks live on Ustream.TV.
Mutualization, not privatization, is the answer to out-of-control cops and security guards.
The Babongo forest people work 3 to 4 hours per day in a beautiful forest. Watch and judge for yourself.
A new documentary makes a surprisingly strong case that the Tea Party is corporate astroturfing.
Online video is driving rapid cycles of improvement in dozens of fields, argues Chris Anderson in this TED talk. This crowd-accelerated innovation, as he calls it, requires only a crowd of people, visibility and desire. Innovation comes out of groups, he says. We spark off each other, compete and improve. In order to leverage crowd-accelerated […]
It’s encouraging to see a community come out in opposition to police. Why does it take extreme tactics like kettling and choke holds to produce this kind of response? Speaking for myself, I feel that school conditioned me to not stand out. When I stood out for intelligence, I was put down by fellow students. […]
How Monsanto is eating our food sovereignty, one GMO seed at a time.
As promised, here are my primary sources for the short film United States of America vs George Donnelly: How US Marshals Framed a Peaceful Photographer. I apologize for the delay. I’m working on getting even more information and hope to release it soon. Here is the raw video footage from my Canon camera. It is […]
What happened to those trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve printed during the financial crisis? Why aren’t they causing mass inflation? Robert Murphy of has an answer. Banks are using them to buy US government bonds. Gonzalo Lira explains this in Stealth Monetization. Has the federal state captured the printing presses? It seems that […]