Libertarian Politics

What Comes After the Constitution?

The constitution is broken. Either it authorizes this spendthrift maxarchist police state, or it fails to prevent it. Much of those four historic pieces of parchment are dead letter. The president rules by executive order and sends us into wars on his own authority. The second amendment has been eviscerated. The fourth amendment is a […]


More Libertarian Bloggers, Please

Are there enough libertarian bloggers? Are potential libertarian bloggers posting all their thought and analysis to Facebook, a walled garden where your accumulated writings can be wiped out in the blink of an eye? I know I am. In fact, I posted about this precisely on Facebook! I Want More Don’t get me wrong, there […]

Libertarian Opinion

Boycott the Census, Don’t Protest it

The government census has extended its reach way beyond its constitutional purview, insists Jerry Day in the above video. We should demand proof of authority from government agents before handing over our information, money, power or liberty to them, he argues. He urges that we ask census agents to reveal exactly where in the constitution […]

Agorism Libertarian

The Free State Project is for Anarchists, Too

Are you a libertarian anarchist swept up in Free State Project hype? Can’t get your head around “Free State” being an oxymoron but still want in on all that FSP fun? Don’t sweat it. The FSP isn’t just for minarchists anymore. It’s also ripe for anarchist co-option. Fertile Ground Many, if not most, FSP members […]

Libertarian Opinion

I am Powerful and I Will Never Give Up

An inspirational manifesto for those brought low by the state.


We Must Live in Alignment with our Principles

We can’t change the folks doing business as the US government. We can’t stop the wars or the torture. We can’t end the Federal Reserve. We can’t legalize marijuana. Holding unregulated cops accountable for their abuses is outside our purview. Freeing non-violent prisoners is beyond our reach. There are a lot of wrongs we simply […]

Agorism Libertarian

How to Start Doing Agorism

Six years on, I wrote 5 Reasons Why Agorism is a Failed Strategy. The million-dollar question – how do we start doing agorism? We’re convinced the right way out of this tyrannous morass is to starve the bastards out by trading outside of their purview. We’re giving up on voting in their sham elections. We’re […]


BREAKING: Stateless Society Announced This Morning! The War is Over! Liberty is Here.

As of 12:01AM January 1, 2010 (today) we are officially living in a state of liberty – the stateless society. We’ve achieved our goal! Yippee! Break out the champagne. Celebrate. You can finally live your life freely and without worrying about what materials or activities the reigning gang has penalized, taxed or prohibited. Live free! […]


Is it Wrong to Shop at Walmart?

Over at Skeptical Eye, SE wonders, “If you’re poor like me, how can you not shop at Walmart?” And the fact is you can’t, not if it makes financial sense to do so. And you shouldn’t trouble yourself over this fact. Government aggression created Walmart and sustains it. You didn’t create this situation and if […]


Do We Have What it Takes to Reclaim our Liberty?

Do we have the moxie needed to regain our liberty, to defeat tyranny and aggression, to retake control of our lives and property? Will the masses ever rise up? Will the sheeple wake up? I see these questions posed frequently, and usually with a negative response. Yet they are the wrong questions. The hidden subtext […]