
In Search of a Master Plan for Liberty

I‘m in search of a master plan for liberty. I want a simple list of rules or principles that I can use to reliably guide me towards liberty – that state of being where I’m free from government (aggression) – so I can just live a regular life. Just do it! If Only … “So […]


Montgomery County, PA Sheriff’s Office: Self-Defense is a Privilege, not a Right

In my quest to carry a concealed handgun without risking imprisonment, I visited the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office in Norristown, Pennsylvania again today to submit their “Application for a Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearms” (an entirely unconstitutional obstacle). I Have to Join a Race in Order to Defend Myself At the gun permits office (inside […]

Libertarian Opinion

Should We Just Cave to Government Demands?

Jay4Liberty, an online acquaintance, said the other day that he happily forked over his tax payments knowing it would keep him out of jail and couldn’t give a damn about the consequences. Upon questioning, he confirmed that he did not care one iota about the death and destruction reigned down on innocents courtesy of his […]

Libertarian Opinion

Is Sam’s Change of Course Tactically Consistent?

Sam Dodson talks about his experience in jail in this 52-minute video recorded at PorcFest. It’s entertaining and even inspiring at times, so I recommend you at least check out the first 33 minutes. At the same time, I noticed a few things in the video that just don’t jive. Why is Sam using a […]

Libertarian Misc

Are Minarchists Worse than Socialists?

Jay4Liberty recently posted a great question in the comments: “Which is worse…flat out socialists who want to increase the size, expense and tyranny of government or minarchists who want to shrink down as far as possible.” And my answer is the minarchists are worse. Counter-intuitive, perhaps, but here’s why. Government is Inherently Evil Government can […]

Libertarian Opinion

8 Minarchistic Misconceptions that Make Me MAD!

There are a lot of misconceptions about minarchism flying ’round the blogosphere and it’s time to correct them once and for all. First of all, minarchism is the belief that in order to prevent people from initiating force against each other we must create an organization which has the unquestionable right to initiate force against […]

Libertarian Opinion

What are We Really Doing Here?

What is it we liberty-lovers are working towards? What’s the libertarian endgame? What kind of project is this fight for liberty and how we should be prosecuting it? I hear all the time that we’re involved in fomenting a revolution or executing a war. Or is this just a debate? None of the above, I […]


Non-Voting is Principled Political Self-Defense

If a man claims the right to dictate your life to you, and you laugh in his face, are you giving up your right to self-defense? That’s what Libertarian Party member Morey Straus claims in his essay The trouble with voluntaryists. What separates anti-political libertarians from principled partyarchs is the advocacy of a vulgar form […]


10 Steps to Effective Liberty Activism on Twitter

Are you a liberty-lover looking to connect with like-minded folks for mutual gain? Then Twitter – a service that enables you to broadcast short messages and find a network – is for you. We libertarians are so few and far between that networking is critical. It’s a force-multiplier. It’s a survival strategy. Tons of Liberty-Advancing […]


8 Reasons Why I Admire Sam Dodson and the Not-So-Disorderly Keene Seven Activists

I am proud of the Not-So-Disorderly Seven. I am proud of Sam Dodson and the whole Keene crew. I am so proud to be able to say that soon I will join them in defending the nonviolent society and exposing the fraud that goes by the name of “The Government”. And here’s why: Sam followed […]