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A Voluntary World by 2064

Join me in my goal to end aggression worldwide and replace it with a voluntary order by 2064.

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Libertarians Really Should Go Back to Somalia

What if I had a strategy for establishing an ordered, stateless libertarian zone on some of the best real estate in the world? Are you interested? What are you willing to do to realize such a vision?


Free State Project To Reach Goal of 20,000 Signers by Late 2016

The Free State Project will likely reach its signup goal of 20,000 libertarians by next year, but its ultimate goal of moving those participants to New Hampshire could take another 15 years. Even then, FSP-related migrations will be dwarfed by other migrants.


Donald Trump is a 21st Century Frank Rizzo

Candidate Donald Trump sounds like an old school, law-and-order Republican mayor, someone like Philadelphia cop turned mayor, Frank Rizzo. More cops, get them dirty immigrants outta here and get our jobs back from China. This is the same kind of small-minded, break-with-reality nonsense that ignorant populists have been spewing for 40+ years. These pat answers are no more relevant or appropriate today than they were last century. But they have grown more dangerous.


11 Human Values that Power Liberty

Advance both your personal liberty and the cause of individual liberty by being a person of character. In order to be a person of character, you must live by certain human values. Without these human values, individual liberty doesn’t work.

Libertarian Podcast

The First Step is Hope – More Liberty Now Podcast 0006

The first step towards a series of actions that will bring you greater liberty is to actually believe that you can do it. You have to find the confidence inside of you, the faith, to set goals and make a consistent effort towards them, no matter what discouragements may come your way. That’s what this episode is about.


“Genius on Hold” (2012) Shows the Evil of American Fascism in one Inventor’s Life

Genius on Hold (2012) is a libertarian-friendly documentary on the life of Walter Shaw, a gifted telecommunications inventor with a ninth grade education. Genius on Hold makes a clear-cut case for how government regulation hurts people. It’s a great libertarian documentary with, sadly, an incongruent progressive puff piece tacked onto the end.

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Some New Libertarian Science Fiction for You

I’m writing science fiction. I’ve been working on it steadily for a few years now. Here are a couple of new works I’d like to share with you.


NYPD Strike Suggests it’s Time for Assassination Markets

It’s likely that at least a small amount of targeted violence will be required to take down governments, so that a more liberty-centric order can supplant them. If we accept that, as distasteful as it is, then assassination marketplaces become attractive. Unlike a traditional war, assassination marketplaces don’t require that you kill tens of thousands of cops, politicians and soldiers. In order for assassination marketplaces to end the age of the state, only a few targeted individuals need be killed. For the rest, active and well-funded threats are sufficient to intimidate aggressors into remaining peaceful.

Libertarian Opinion

In Defense of Cantwell, Kokesh and Molyneux

Soliciting donations is absolutely essential in order to sustain activism, be it the on-the-street type or the digital kind. And make no mistake that activism, especially through community building, is essential to build a more libertarian future. We build better libertarian communities not by vilifying market exchange but by offering better products.