The thesis of this image is that doing the peaceful thing didn’t garner them the attention they wanted, so doing the violent thing is worth a try, and, lo!, it worked. It got them the attention they wanted/deserved. Mission accomplished! What a disgusting moral bankruptcy. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because someone hurts […]
Tag: anarchism
How I Live Anarchy Every Day

You can’t possibly live anarchy under the state. Or can you?

Facebook is a single point of failure. Diversify your risk before it’s too late.

Introducing Agora I/O, the unconference for the agora.
In the Albany Times Union, columnist Mark Dalton argues that libertarian control of the government would result in chaos. As right-wing libertarians rolled back state regulation agencies, no one would be left to protect the consumer. Individuals’ only recourse would be to sue. Sue they would, resulting in overflowing courts. Although Dalton doesn’t mention it, […]
I‘m a guest this week on Movement Radio’s Anarchy Time show, tonight at 9PM EST. Anarchy Time is an entertaining and informative show hosted by James Cox, Mandie Cunningham and Tom Ender. You can listen online for free every Sunday evening from 9-11PM EST. Almost 140 people have RSVP’d on Facebook for the show, so […]
Why I am Specifically a Voluntaryist
Voluntaryism is easy to grasp. It says that all interactions among people must be voluntary, i.e., without aggression. This is Ayn Rand without the psychological repression, the judgmentalism and the fake statism weakly glued on. This is anarcho-capitalism, without any hint of state capitalism. This is free market anarchism. This is left libertarianism. This is […]
When will We Have our Liberty?
When will we have our liberty? When will we have our state or local or personal sovereignty? When will we transition from this fascist police state to liberty? This is the question that kept me up at night. Has it bothered you? Well, I finally figured it out. We always had it and we always […]
It was just another day of polite sparring with minarchists – those in favor of minimal government – when I realized that minarchists are actually anarchists! I was bowled over by the realization that limited government fans who won’t force me to participate in their government forfeit that organization’s claim to being a government. Minarchism: […]
I’ve Evolved … into an Anarchist
I never questioned the legitimacy of governments. Their history is rife with examples of some people using them to initiate violence against others, but I just thought they needed reform – and I thought “mine” was better. How misguided I was. Despite the nationalistic propaganda we’re endlessly fed in schools and the media, the US […]