
Is the Tea Party Corporate Astroturfing?

A new documentary makes a surprisingly strong case that the Tea Party is corporate astroturfing.


The Kentucky Head Stomp Was Plain Wrong

Slave on slave violence strikes again. How do we get past this?


How NOT to do Illegal Liberty Activism

If your activism is illegal, don’t incriminate yourself. Be discreet instead.


How Libertarians Can Use Online Video to Accelerate the Uptake of Libertarian Solutions

Online video is driving rapid cycles of improvement in dozens of fields, argues Chris Anderson in this TED talk. This crowd-accelerated innovation, as he calls it, requires only a crowd of people, visibility and desire. Innovation comes out of groups, he says. We spark off each other, compete and improve. In order to leverage crowd-accelerated […]


“They are in the Process of Owning Food, all Food.”

How Monsanto is eating our food sovereignty, one GMO seed at a time.


Feds Say Photography of Federal Buildings OK But the Marshals and Federal Cops Have Final Word

Libertarian activist makes DHS say uncle. But the marshals won’t change.


The Fed is Paying Too-Big-To-Fail Banks to Fund Govt Deficits with its Newly-Printed Dollars

What happened to those trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve printed during the financial crisis? Why aren’t they causing mass inflation? Robert Murphy of has an answer. Banks are using them to buy US government bonds. Gonzalo Lira explains this in Stealth Monetization. Has the federal state captured the printing presses? It seems that […]

Libertarian Opinion

Libertarianism is About Peace and Respect, not Somalia

Somalia is not a libertarian utopia. Find out what is.


Libertarian Activists Jailed for Tresspassing on Public Property

Ian Freeman and other Free Keene activists were arrested for peacefully assembling on state-owned property in Cheshire county, New Hampshire. Ian is facing almost a month in jail for trespassing on public property. How did this happen? It’s a new jail and the warden feels the need to keep his perimeter secure. Protesters intimidate visitors, […]


How will Libertarians Counter this Bad News for Liberty in America?

How are we libertarians going to counter the continuing march towards complete societal lockdown? In the news, we find that the US state is tightening its grip on the internet. Cops can put a GPS tracker on your car without a warrant. Naked body scanners have flown out of the airports and are now in […]