Libertarian Opinion

Why I Deleted the Free State Project Facebook Page

The FSP claims to be a decentralized organization. It’s not.

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Restorative Justice is Better than Vengeance

Better to make victims whole than punish offenders.


Libertarian Rule of the State Would be a Disaster

In the Albany Times Union, columnist Mark Dalton argues that libertarian control of the government would result in chaos. As right-wing libertarians rolled back state regulation agencies, no one would be left to protect the consumer. Individuals’ only recourse would be to sue. Sue they would, resulting in overflowing courts. Although Dalton doesn’t mention it, […]

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Those Willing to Face Violent People in Defense of their Comrades are Heroes

I admire David Krouse. Violent people attacked a peaceful person in his presence. As the thugs attempted to flee with their victim, David took a stand in front of the car. It’s Tiananmen Square, albeit on a smaller scale. David committed an act of civil disobedience. He resisted state thugs peacefully. David, and everyone else […]


Libertarian Firefighters are More Flexible than State Firefighters

Update: Here’s an article from The Freeman about a private firefighting company in Arizona that doesn’t let houses burn to the ground. Non-state firefighting services are not a panacea. Some houses may burn down due to the failure of homeowners to plan ahead. But libertarian firefighters have the capacity to be flexible in payment options. […]


Cops’ Oaths Obligate Them to End the War on Drugs Now, Not Continue Prosecuting it

Imagine your friend engages you in a venture to feed the homeless. You must help me, he says. You promise to do so. On the first day of feeding the hungry, your friend steals their booze, cigarettes and drugs. It’s only right, he says, since there’s no sense in feeding people who are killing themselves. […]


State Firefighters Let House Burn

Libertarian firefighters are more flexible and subject to market incentives.


The Earth has been Nuked not Twice, Not a Few Dozen Times but more than 2,000 Times by States

Yet everything seems to be ok, right? We’re still here, aren’t we? Sure, everything seems to be fine for me, as far as I know. But how would I know if radiation poisoning from these 2,053 nuclear explosions (plus the ones in the last 12 years) has affected me and mine? Here are some facts […]


Let your Light Shine on for all Eternity is the New Go out in a Blaze of Glory

Can you feel it? The visceral longing to join the lady in this picture, to back her up, to help her, to save her. As hordes of destroyers descend on her home in some dusty corner of Asia, all she has left is her ability to resist. It doesn’t matter to her that she is […]

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How US Marshals Framed a Photographer

And then they tried to cover it up. But the video proves them liars.