
Liberty on Tour Reveals Casualties of the War on Drugs, err People

The War on Drugs is a misnomer. It’s a War on People, good people at that. Take a gander at this brief video from legendary liberty activists Pete Eyre and Adam Mueller where they interview fine individuals who are suffering unjustly due to their use or distribution of a plant that served humanity well for […]


Liberty Activism is an Experiment – Test your Theories, Report your Findings but Don’t Give Up

Experiment, document, plug in to the network, learn and repeat the cycle but don’t give up!


Tarrin Lupo Explains the Difference Between Taxation and Voluntary Exchange

Tarrin Lupo illustrates as plain as day the difference between taxation and voluntary exchange. It’s so easy, your kids can get it. One variant Tarrin didn’t cover that trips up some critics of liberty is when a person incurs an obligation and can be forced to make good on it. For example, if you hurt […]

Asides Libertarian

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Threatened to Take our Son and Medicate him Against Our Will

Picture yourself in the emergency room of a highly respected children’s hospital. You’re worried sick for your child. Multiple doctors and nurses file in and out, making him cringe each time they thoughtlessly lay cold hands and frigid stethoscopes on his chest. No one tells you anything. You’ve done your research and, hours later, the […]


Allentown, PA Rally For Photography and Pamphleting Rights Earns Local TV Coverage

On June 4th of this year, 30 upstanding individuals rallied for photography and pamphleting rights in solidarity with me. These good folks achieved coverage not only by the independent TV station WFMZ but also by a local Spanish-language newspaper. This goes to show that if the cause is worthy and you exert the effort, noteworthy […]

Libertarian Opinion

What are you, a Communist? Well, Yes.

And a socialist, capitalist and everything in between – as long as it’s not also authoritarian.


Are you Sure you Legally Owe Taxes? This Video Will Surprise You.

This video is very revealing, in a legal way. It’s from Marc Stevens, radio show host and dedicated legal researcher. He dissects the law in a very foundational way, without assumptions and without any undue reverence for it. Are you, as various governments claim, a taxpayer? Can the government legally prove this? You aren’t going […]


Market Restitution Services Beat State Prison System on Fairness and Humaneness

Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “Is restitution preferable to retribution? Why or why not?” An arrangement for the resolution of disputes that focuses on restitution is more effective than one that makes as its goal the […]


Is Prison the New Slavery? Some Libertarian Thoughts.

This is a great interview. It sheds light on why prisons are such a prominent feature of modern American culture. The fact that 1% of the US population is in prison and that they’re used as slave labor is not well-known. And that’s why this interview also makes me sick. I didn’t want to watch […]


Libertarians Should Find More Love, Less Hate, for Statists

I found this video, and some further thoughts, over at The Peaceable Kingdom. Libertarians expend a lot of energy hating the state and its aggressive agents, but how often do we try to love them? Remember, we’re not going to win this with violence. We’ll win this with self-improvement, education, empathy and counter-economics, among other […]