Libertarian Opinion

Roderick Long Rebuts Locke and Rand on Anarchy, Navigates Shrewd Path Thru Voluntaryist-Partyarch Debate

Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 102, I watched and critiqued Roderick Long’s talk “Foundations of Libertarian Ethics.” [See above.] In “Foundations of Libertarian Ethics,” Roderick Long deftly refutes Lockean and Randian critiques of anarchy, using these same critiques against themselves in support of market anarchy. Long also evaluates strategies for achieving the stateless […]


Free Marc Emery, Agorist and Marijuana Entrepreneur, in a Federal Cage for 5 Years

Marc Emery is a Canadian man who is now in (US) federal prison for 5 years over his business of selling cannabis seeds to the public. It breaks my heart to see this man in prison. He has harmed no one. There is no victim for the crime he is accused of. In Canada, his […]

Libertarian Opinion

Is Government Tyranny Built on Your Voluntary Consent? A Look at Sovereignty Theory.

Have you heard about the sovereignty movement? This is what I call the people who rally around the ideas expressed very briefly in this video. There are many lines of thought present in the movement. Some think that all unconstitutional government tyranny arises from our voluntary consent. Others think there is a second, secret constitution. […]


The Tea Party Could Bring Fascism to America

If facism is coming to America, the Tea Party is bringing it.


Why is the Right to Fly with your Dignity Intact Fast Disappearing? A Libertarian Perspective.

While researching the new backscatter X-ray naked-body scanning machines that the federal government is placing in airports around North America, I came across a commenter on who claims the scanners infringe on his freedom. Is he right? Are the scanners being forced on travelers against their will? Can enterprising individuals offer a competing security […]


Rothbard’s Defense of Private Police and Courts in “For a New Liberty” Falls Short

Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 102, I read and critiqued Chapter 12 (“The Public Sector, III: Police, Law, and the Courts”) of Murray Rothbard’s “For a New Liberty“. [PDF] In Chapter 12 of “For a New Liberty,” Murray Rothbard makes a less compelling case for market-based defense and dispute resolution than, for example, […]


End Marijuana Prohibition … and All Other State Aggression

This gorgeous pro-marijuana-legalization video will only take three and a half minutes of your time. It succinctly and passionately makes the case for ending marijuana prohibition. You’ll want to pass it on to your social network. Let’s face it, marijuana is natural. It is a plant, a very valuable one. It is the source of […]


Taxation is Theft Because it’s Involuntary and Permanently Denies People their Property

Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “Is taxation theft? Why or why not?” Taxation is theft because it is the use of aggression to deny another person their property. It doesn’t matter what their property is to […]


This is What the State Looks Like. Don’t you Dare Turn Away!

This video is one big can of State FAIL, on too many levels to name. First, the newscaster frames the issues for us in a way that de-emphasizes the overwhelming power and brutality of the state. This is a clash between the needs of immigrants and the need of a state to maintain order, we’re […]

Get Inspired Libertarian

A Convincing Schematic for Market Anarchy

The market can handle law too. Here’s how.