
Does it Matter Who Wins the Libyan Civil War?

During the six months of fighting, both the rebels and Colonel Qaddafi’s forces repeatedly overstated or misrepresented their battlefield abilities and accomplishments. The rebels said they had seized cities, only to be pushed back hours or days later; on Tuesday, Colonel Qaddafi’s forces insisted that they controlled Tripoli. In the early days of the NATO […]


Paul Krugman: Need Bigger Earthquakes!

People on twitter might be joking, but in all seriousness, we would see a bigger boost in spending and hence economic growth if the earthquake had done more damage. ~ Paul Krugman (Edit: FAKE)

Libertarian Opinion

Seasteading is not about No Rules and Loose Building Codes

This Yahoo News article about PayPal founder Peter Thiel’s donation to the Seasteading Institute cracks me up. According to the writer, the libertarian project consists of “no welfare, looser building codes, no minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons.” LOL. In reality, libertarianism is about having legitimate authority, voluntary authority. Right now, the world is […]

Libertarian Opinion

Ron Paul does not Speak for all Libertarians

It’s great he’s [Ron Paul] anti-war. And for legalizing drugs. I’d be tempted to vote for him just based on those two things except…he’s a hypocrite. And he wants to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. Let’s forget about that though and just get back to the hypocrisy. All I hear from him is “personal […]

Libertarian Opinion

Do you Know What Statists Need?

People who support the state consciously or unconsciously, wholly or in part – why do they do it?  I see a lot of moral condemnations in the liberty community. Call them sheeple, tell them they’re asleep, say they should be hurt. Whatever. But WHY do they do it? This might be a question you have […]

Libertarian Opinion

Rioting: NOT a Form of Protest or Activism

The thesis of this image is that doing the peaceful thing didn’t garner them the attention they wanted, so doing the violent thing is worth a try, and, lo!, it worked. It got them the attention they wanted/deserved. Mission accomplished! What a disgusting moral bankruptcy. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because someone hurts […]

Libertarian Opinion

7 Signs You Might be a Fundamentalist Libertarian

The fundamentalist starts with moral condemnations. In a debate with a fundamentalist they quickly resort to denouncing opponents as immoral or evil. Since the fundamentalist assumes what they believe the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, then anything someone else believes isn’t. Not only are their beliefs automatically wrong but also the […]

Libertarian Opinion

Are you Talking to Statists, or just Waiting to Shoot them in the Head?

Replace “statists” with “zombie hoards” and you’ll see the problem. No one ever tries to cure the zombies, they just try to shoot them in the head. – Marc Seltzer In response to Statists are not the Enemy, Marc Seltzer just nailed it with the above quote. Are you talking to statists, trying to find […]

Libertarian Mutual Aid

38 Objections to a Resilient Mutual Aid Society Answered

Wherein I answer 38 objections to my article on how to bootstrap a resilient mutual aid society.

Libertarian Opinion

If I Defriend You on Facebook

If I defriend you on facebook, it doesn’t mean that: I am fucking you over. My facebook account, my decision who I associate with there. Unless we have some kind of contract, you can’t claim I am harming you. I am “blackballing” you from my rapidly shrinking list of activism projects. For example, I have […]